The world is becoming an interconnected community of commonalities; the potentialities of this globalization process need harnessing to ensure the continued betterment and advancement of civilization. As our evolution has gradually woven people into larger and richer webs of interdependence, humanity is approaching its coming of age. Out of...
Stories of Unity in Diversity
Unity in diversity is not just a slogan or buzzword. It’s a way of explaining the principle of the oneness of humanity. It honors all the natural and unique forms of differences that exist within the human family, from every ethnic group to each individual temperament. Diversity in the...
Stories of Truth Telling
There have always been people who step out of the shadows of confusion and deception to shine a light on a truth that is being overlooked, ignored, or hidden. These are always courageous citizens who address head-on the issues of social, economic, and environmental justice and fairness. They act...
Stories of Transition
There are times in our lives when we feel, or we know, that we are between things, when we have left one thing behind but have not yet gotten to the new thing or place we are moving toward. This time of limbo is known in traditional rites of...
Stories of Awe
Awe is an emotion we are all born with, a feeling of reverence, respect, and wonder all mixed together. There are moments in our lives when we are just wonderstruck, amazed, astonished, or lost for words in the grandeur, beauty, or admiration of something way beyond our expectations or...
Stories of Resilience
Resilience is another quality of the human spirit we are born with that is meant to help us deal with and spring back from a whole range of difficulties in a manner that enables us to resolve matters in an efficient and effective way, more quickly than we would...
Stories of Recovery
Recovery is an essential component of the process of transformation. Any transformational experience wouldn’t be complete without some form of recovery. The degree, or the depth, of recovery can range considerably depending upon what one is recovering from. Recovery is usually a deeply personal journey, a unique process of...
Stories of Our Time
As we tell the stories of our lives that matter most to us, we come to know ourselves more deeply, we sense a connection to more things around us, we feel more empathic toward all things, and we take on a greater responsibility to contribute to the betterment of...
Stories of Wholeness
Beyond the illusion of separation lies a hidden wholeness. The entire universe, all of creation, is tied together, interconnected by the same laws of nature that govern all things. This one reality is an indivisible wholeness, though we tend to break it down into pieces. When we see the...
Stories of Love
Love stories are probably the most common motif found in all forms of writing, because anything to do with love gets to the heart who we are and why we are here. When we tell stories of how and why we have experienced love, we are expressing and sharing...
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