When I was a little boy, before I had siblings, before I was two, I had no one to play with except my mother. Often, she wanted to do other things, such as read the newspaper. I knew stories were in the words, so I wanted to make stories...
Archive for category: Story
CAROL KARL, a friend at work: Carol didn’t come in today, I see. BEATRICE: Hope it’s for the better. KARL: That marriage – it’s beyond words. BEATRICE: My osteopath, he told me my god-given knee was down to bone-on-bone. That’s their marriage — no cartilage left — time to...
Personal Essay about Hearing Stories of Helping
This story will be like a fable where neither exact times nor exact locations are known in detail. The events that I use have come to me through my mother and my grandmother and both of them were not very specific about the exact times or places. However, I...
The mother screamed into the room, overwhelmed in her own pain, spewing it onto her little children who had no clue. They almost became used to it, but still jumped when she screamed. Nothing they did was “right,” not the way they shut their lips, swallowed, walked. Everything about...
A Writer Now
Forbidden to write, as a boy who struggled to read, the man wrote, wrote and wrote. Now his words have readers all around the globe.
Why Did You?
You gave up your church salvation for what? Baha’i Faith.
If I’m not here tomorrow to hear the latest news Or apprehend your sorrows the trials you are going through In silence feel my presence during troubles old or new Whenever I am not around my love will still ring true Eternally my hearts enchantment beats for only you...
Our Yellowstone Greeter
A mystical, swirling mist greeted us at Yellowstone one morn. Out of the mist loomed a magnificent bull moose. Our family and traveling companion were awestruck and agreed to stop the car. The bull sauntered onto the road. Bulls can be aggressive, charge, knock people down and stomp on...
I’m a poet but more My modulation opens many doors
The scars from his accident did not extinguish his spirit
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