Carl Toney was 56 years old when interviewed by Martha Hernandez in 2003, who provides this background: “I met with Carl in his office at the College of Health Professions at UNE, where he is a professor of clinical medicine (he is a physician’s assistant) and also manages or represents...
Carl Manter
Carl Manter was 83 years old when interviewed by John Giguere in 1992. My name is Carl Manter and I was born in Farmington, Maine. From here, I grew up about six miles from where I live today. There was a two-story brick house there, right across the...
Camella Jordan
Camella Jordan was 50 years old when interviewed by Anne Picoso in 2000. My mother had met my father, married him and she was from Maine originally. She moved to Massachusetts, an entirely different thing for her. Let’s see this year I’m going to be fifty. So, I...
Betty was 73 years old when interviewed by Kym Dakin in 2004. When I was born, it appears we were going through a period of prosperity after the war, that would have been in 1921. I was born on August 15th. And then after that we went through the...
Bethany Tinsley
Bethany Tinsley was interviewed by Megan Hayes in 2003. For some reason when I was born, the hospital where my parents were supposed to take me wasn’t, it didn’t have space or something, so they had to go to like the other side of the tracks hospital and they...
Bahman Nekoie
Bahman Nekoie was 43 years old when interviewed by Rhonda Bialorucki in 1999. From birth until age of twelve, it is major traveling happening from cities to cities because of my father’s job. He was a general contractor under a corporation, which built major projects like air bases....
Arlene Rowe Hill
Arlene Rowe Hill was 78 years old when interviewed by Jan Hill in 1995. “Be the Best of Whatever You Are” Family of Origin and Earliest Memories My parents were descended from early ancestors settling Maine and they were very hard working people who loved the land....
Anna Mehl Radl
Anna Mehl Radl was 82 years old when interviewed by Kathleen Lear in 1991. My name is Anna Mehl Radl. I was born in Sulzfeld, Baden, German 1909. I spent my life there until I was 19 years old. I was born December 23, 1909. My father’s name...
Amara was 45 years old when interviewed in 1999. If I think about my life as a whole experience I think about from my childhood up to when I grew up as an adult. I never had a father really. I grew up without a father. I was born...
Albert Bergeron
Albert Bergeron was 60 years old when interviewed by Beth Bergeron in 1993. I don’t really remember what was going on at the time of my birth. My father used to play some with the boys. He would take us with him whereever he went: fishing, hunting,...
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