We’ve probably all had a time in our lives when we felt we have been transformed in some vital way that lead us in a whole new direction or made that direction much clearer than it had been before. Maybe this has even happened more than once. Reflect on...
Stories of Our Shared Future
All the world’s sacred wisdom traditions have stories of a desired or destined future in which all things basically better than in the present. Do you have a vision of your own desired future, or of the collective future you envision for the world? What is your vision of...
Stories of Retreat
There is a time in our lives when we just feel like we want to get away from everything around us. It may be from feeling overwhelmed or even from feeling grateful for what we have been given. When we do feel like we want to withdraw from everything,...
Stories of Renewal & Rebirth
Usually after we’ve had a call to adventure, after we’ve experienced assistance when we didn’t expect it, after we’ve been challenged in ways we never had been before, after we’ve taken time to withdraw from everything, had greater challenges, received further assistance, and been tested in some way, then...
Stories of Justice
Most people are familiar with some version of the Golden Rule (treat others as you wish to be treated), which is the common thread uniting all the world’s sacred traditions. But do we think of that as the foundation for a system of justice, as well? We’ve gotten used...
Stories of Gender Equality
The full equality in all fields of endeavor between women and men is one of the most important prerequisites for peace. Injustice against half the world’s population promotes harmful attitudes and habits among the other half. When evident in everyday interactions and relationships, feminine values and qualities – such...
Stories of Defining Moments
Looking back on your life, there probably is a moment, experience, or event that you can identify as the beginning of a clear direction for your life, even though it may not have been noticed as such at the time. This moment can probably be seen as a turning...
Stories of Compassion
Science has shown that there are certain kinds of events or circumstances that set off a compassion trigger in the brain. When this happens, we feel called to action. All religious, spiritual, and ethical traditions also place the principle of compassion at the heart of their teachings, calling us...
Stories of Change
It is said the only constant in life is change. Sometimes we welcome it and other times we resist. When we are able to loosen ourselves from every day routine, we may find that change happens more smoothly. Change signals entering the unknown, uncharted waters, or beginning something we...
Stories of Altruism
Altruism is embedded in the heart of the Golden Rule; it is love, compassion, and kindness in action. Globally, we have seen an increase in acts of altruism as natural disasters and unnatural tragedies have become more impactful. Altruistic love, acceptance of and assistance to the other without judgment...
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