Awe is an emotion we are all born with, a feeling of reverence, respect, and wonder all mixed together. There are moments in our lives when we are just wonderstruck, amazed, astonished, or lost for words in the grandeur, beauty, or admiration of something way beyond our expectations or even our understanding. Scientists say an experience of awe can help us feel happier, healthier, and even more social than we were before. Awe can play a role in how we get along with others and can lead to greater cooperation with others. Awe puts everything in perspective for us and helps us see ourselves as a small part of something much greater than ourselves.

Think of a time in your life when you experienced awe. What was the circumstance and setting of this feeling? Try to describe what happened then with words that may not have been accessible to you at that moment. How did the feeling of awe change what was going on at the time? What did you learn about yourself from feeling awe? Tell this story in a flowing, conversational way that clearly expresses the before, during, and after of this feeling of awe that you experienced.


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