There have always been people who step out of the shadows of confusion and deception to shine a light on a truth that is being overlooked, ignored, or hidden. These are always courageous citizens who address head-on the issues of social, economic, and environmental justice and fairness. They act for the common good, for the betterment of communities, and for the protection of the Earth.
We need more stories that tell the truth, that facilitate healing, that educate, that support activism, and that seek justice for the systematic ways in which individuals and social structures disadvantage other individuals; we need these stories in order to foster solidarity and build unity in communities.
Reflect on a time in your life when you have either witnessed a transformative moment of truth telling, or had the opportunity to share your truth about an experience of disadvantage in your own life that helped educate others, assist healing, or bring light to an otherwise unknown truth, that also helped to build unity. Tell this story of your experience in the familiar three-part process: what lead up to this moment of truth telling, how exactly did the truth telling take place, and how did this change things afterwards?
Thank you for creating this amazing site for sharing our stories. I heard about this site at last year’s Write Life Writer’s online retreat. I am so happy I have submitted my first piece – just hours before this year’s retreat starts. : )
With love and gratitude,