We’ve probably all had a time in our lives when we felt we have been transformed in some vital way that lead us in a whole new direction or made that direction much clearer than it had been before. Maybe this has even happened more than once. Reflect on these times in your life, then focus on your most important transformational experience, so far. Focus specifically on how the timeless, universal pattern of transformation – consisting of three parts: beginning, muddle, and resolution, or birth, death, and rebirth – played itself out in your life.

The first part would be the point of entry, or set up, for the significant transformation that is about to happen. What was going on in your life when you first noticed something beginning to change? Was this easy to follow, or did you resist at all at first? Where did this lead you, and what challenges emerged in your path? Second is the muddle, the conflict, struggle, or test that became almost too much for you handle. How did you eventually get through this? And third, what was the resolution that completed this process of transformation for you?

Think of as an autobiographical ‘personal essay’ characterized by a conversational nature and a sense of intimacy, or as a personal transformation essay, in the way a poet might write a poem, being as concise and precise with every word as possible. What if every word you wanted to use would cost you a quarter? Would you still use it? This story is not the raw footage of a spy camera, but rather the fine edit of a seasoned director. This story is really about emphasizing the changes that took place while you were being transformed!


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