Peace is a timeless and universal vision; yet it has many definitions and understandings. One way to see peace is all the ways it can be imagined. Peace is a quality within us as well as a condition all around us. Peace is every step of the journey we take as well as our destination. Small groups or communities, even individuals by themselves, living peacefully can have an impact on the how peaceful the entire world is. Living with peace within builds peace all around us.

Coming to a place of peace is always an important journey in itself. How do you practice peace in your life? How are you part of an effort, however large or small, to build a culture of peace? What constitutes peace for you? What are its primary principles, values, or characteristics? Tell the story of how you have been inspired, or may have inspired others, toward cooperative action in building the present and the future long envisioned? Was there a point in your life when you realized that you were experiencing peace or were part of an effort to build peace? See if you can put this in the context of before, during, and after, focusing on how your view of what is possible in the world shifted during this process.



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