There are times when it just feels too difficult or dangerous to do anything about something that is troubling us. The uncertainty or intimidation we feel often prevents us from confronting whatever it is that is causing the difficulty. Yet courage is a quality of the spirit that we are born with, allows us to face challenging situations, and is something we can call upon anytime we most need it. Being courageous is feeling afraid yet choosing to act.

Think of a time in your life when something felt almost impossible to overcome, when something was just too much for you to handle, or when you thought you were too afraid to even do anything about the situation, yet somehow you were able to push beyond this fear and act in a way that brought about an unexpected resolution to the situation. What was going on at the time? Were there any others around you at the time? What role did they play in this situation? What happened to begin to turn things around for you, and what ultimately gave you the courage to take the action that you took? How did the action you took change the way you saw the situation? What was the lesson learned from your initial inaction to the action taken? Tell this story in a flowing, conversational way that clearly demarcates the beginning, muddle, and resolution process that you experienced.


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