One of the most common archetypes is known as the ‘the call to adventure.’ This happens when we are given the opportunity to break out of or leave behind something, or someplace, that has served us well or provided what we need from it. But we are usually slow to realize that it is time to move on from where we are, and we may resist or ignore the call that has come to us.

This call is really signaling the unfolding of an awareness meant to lead us to a deeper understanding of ourselves in relation to others, the world around us, and how it all fits together as one. The call represents a new phase of life, of potentiality, and the unfolding of destiny.

Remembering that exercising the power of our own mind to discover truth for ourselves is a most important fundamental human right, reflect on a moment in your life when you felt called to something new and unknown, something mysterious yet irresistible. How did exercising this right expand your own consciousness, change the way you see yourself and the world, or bring you new, unexpected benefits?


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