There are times when we wake up from what may have seemed like a long slumber, or when a veil was lifted allowing us to see something for the first time that was right in front of us all along. What may have been before but a vague outline, now appears as a richly detailed picture of everything there is before our eyes, in full color and crystal clear. This is when you begin to notice things within and about yourself that you may not have noticed before. You feel like you have more energy than ever before, and that you want to keep doing whatever you are doing for as long as you can.

Recall one of these times of awakening when you were torn from something very familiar and began to enter a strange, new, and unknown place that was forcing you to begin to see everything around you differently. Reflect on this and gather all of its parts together, as you express it as narrative following the pattern of beginning, muddle, and resolution.


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